
  • Felting With a Cookie Cutter

    Video Lesson As promised, I’ve recorded a lesson on how to make a felted heart using a cookie cutter! In this 15 minute video, captured in a Facebook Live, I use a cookie cutter to create a felted heart. This lesson is for beginners, including children, and is a great way to get started with…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Zoom Knitting Circle Want to knit, crochet, spin, or just visit with us on zoom? We meet every Tuesday at 1pm. Send us an email and we will send you the link. Thinking we could do an “introduction to zoom” on Monday, February 8th for people who are new to zoom and might need some help.  Send us…

  • Online Shop Now Open

    WooHoo!!!! We are very excited to share with you the news of our online shop launching January 8, 2021! Browse everything from our felting kits to yarn, roving, spinning wheels and more. We look forward to this next chapter in the evolution of our farm. Thank you for your continued support.